Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Security Risk Management_Lab 05

Security Risk Management_Lab 05

Q 1. Describe the purpose of a Zenmap® GUI (Nmap) report and Nessus® report?2. Review the Lab 5 Nmap Scan Report. On page 6, what ports and services are enabled on the Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance device?• 3. Review the Lab 5 Nmap Scan Report. On page 6, what is the source IP address of the Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance device? 4. How many IP hosts were identified in the Lab 5 Nessus Vulnerability Scan Report? List them. 5. When you identify a known software vulnerability, where can you go to assess the risk impact of the software vulnerability?

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Answer: The Nmap report, or the network mapping report, has been used for the vulnerability scanning and the network discovery. The Nessus Report has been used to find out the vulnerabilities in the system. It checks the vulnerabilities of the IP address, identify the running operating system for each port and checks whether the compliance requirements are being met.Answer: The enabled ports and services are the following: • port 53/udp on • port 88/udp on • port 1028/udp on